A peaceful environment and quality care makes for a calmer happier horse
Full Care Board
12 x 12 matted box stalls with partially covered sunshine run
Stall and turnout set up that allows for your horse to safely benefit from the social interaction they need with their herd mates
Bedded with bagged, low dust pine shavings
Grated front stall doors with large open yoke, grated side windows to next stall and Dutch doors looking outside each stall for good ventilation and no isolation
Gated run outside each stall with partial cover for shade and shelter to provide horses with more space, ventilation and sunshine
Fans in each stall
Open air barn with no hay loft cover better air quality
Automatic fly spray system
Hot/cold wash stalls
Climate controlled feed room, lounge and restroom
24/7 video security surveillance
12/12 turnout (weather permitting)
Well maintained and annually seeded grass pastures
Highest quality chemical free Timothy & Orchard grass blend hay
Worming spring and fall
Administration of supplements (at owners expense)
Owner and barn staff live on-site
Full Care Monthly Board: $1000
Platinum Care Board
Also includes:
Live stream video of your horse’s stall
Hold for Vet/Farrier
Private/custom turnout schedule
Administration of medication
Text updates
Platinum Care Board: $1,250
Additional Services
Groom $10
Tacking up/down $5
Clean Tack $5
Full Bath $30
Butt Bath $15
Hose Down $10
Cold Hose/Soak $10
Mane Pulling $30
Pack/Load Trailer $10
Poultice $40
Wash Fly Mask/Fly Boots $10
Wound Care $TBD
Hold for Vet/Farrier $20 (included in Platinum Board)
Groom For a Day: Will travel with you to show/clinic and handle all of your horse needs $120 plus meals (as available)
Other Services by Request